Well the Loire Valley trip has come and gone. It was on the 9th and 10th. For the most part it was fun. The longer I am here there more disconnected I feel. Like everyone is close and I have to force myself to get an invite or be acknowledged. I will go through this later. The castles were beautiful. We started our day at 5:50! I got my own seat and slept the majority! This trip was different. We had to stay with the tour guide class and walk around the city, which was cool for a bit. But, its tiring and starts to sound the same. Our first stop a place was a place I wanted to visit anyway. I loved it. I saw the castle and Joan of Arc! We had lunch and saw the most magnificent church. I literally took my breathe away! Around 2 we headed to Tours but we stopped at a castle. It was one we learned about in school and was HUGE! The inside of the castle looked liveable. Up to this point the trip was OK. I hung out with Yafei, Jasmine, and Helen. They were hilarious!
The main and only problem is the hostel. It was better than the last one aka not as many stairs. I was in the room with the guides and they were too tired to speak English. They would have a conversation and summarize it in one sentence to me. I left. The nice guide who was in another room asked if it was OK and told me I got placed there because I'm American. FML. What am I supposed to say? I spent as little time as possible in the room. I did experience the French stereotype. When my roomies took her jacket off it smelled so bad! She did use spray deodorant, which did nothing. It just mixes and makes the smell even worse! Once we smelled ok! We headed to the best dinner I've had since I got here!!! There was medieval performers. We got 2 appetizers and a billion of this patty biscuit stuff. There was also wine. Of course, I always kept a full glass,
One thing I noticed was the difference between myself and the Russian girls. Everyone to poured them wine and served them. The guy next to me continuously got asked to refill their glasses and serve food. I just did it myself.
The Next Day
Villanary Gardens
It was so pretty even if it hadn't grown in yet. There is a reflection pond. The bushes shapes have meeting! The heart is love and squares are daggers,
Loire Valley is beautiful! If you ever have a chance to go take it! This trip is definitely worth it!